What are the steps in Thermage?
Thermage is just as popular as other types of facelifts, which Phongsak Clinic also provides. To achieve the best results and meet the needs of the service recipients, it is undeniable that the doctor's expertise is an important factor. Because an expert doctor will be able to use the thermage machine to its fullest potential and to fit the face shape of each individual service recipient. This article will summarize the strengths of thermage and the steps of the procedure by an expert doctor. What are the strengths of thermage? For thermage, the strength of this type of machine is that it focuses on lifting and tightening in each part, from the face, jaw, chin, neck, or even the eyes can be treated with thermage. The procedure uses a machine that does not require a surgeon's knife. The machine sends Capacitive Monopolar Radiofrequency (CRF) waves to transmit heat energy to the deep skin layers in the dermis and subcutaneous fat layers. This is to treat the skin to be firm and smaller, starting from the skin structure down to the skin layer that needs to be lifted. When the waves or energy have gone in, it will stimulate the skin to look firmer immediately from the first time. It is considered to meet the needs and solve the problem very well for those who want to make their face slimmer. Let's see clearly what are the steps in doing Thermage? Now that we have a basic understanding of what Thermage is, Pongsak Clinic will take everyone to see the steps of the clinic in detail so that everyone will have a clearer picture when using the clinic's services. The steps can be summarized as follows: 1. The doctor will assess the face or area that needs Thermage to do what. Then, after having talked and created understanding with the service recipient, they can receive treatment at the clinic. 2. Those who will receive Thermage must first wash their face and remove all makeup because Thermage requires applying anesthetic to the face or area that needs to be lifted. After applying the anesthetic, they will be left for about 45-60 minutes. The duration depends on when the service recipient feels numb. 3. The doctor will assess and arrange the position that needs to be lifted properly. […]