
If you want 'healthy baby skin', you need to keep stimulating collagen.


Do you know that... to have younger skin or healthy skin, 'collagen' plays a very important role? The graph of the loss of collagen in the skin decreases with age. This means that the older we get, the more collagen is reduced. As a result, people look older, with wrinkled skin and sagging skin In this article, there are ways to properly stimulate collagen in each age range.

childhood full of collagen 100%

skin condition : Clear face, soft and bouncy baby skin
skin care : Just apply the cream and it can take care of it. No matter how late you sleep, don't worry. 

age 25+ collagen is reduced to 80-90%

skin condition : sleep late, face dull The front frame is starting to loose.
skin care : Stimulate collagen by applying cream. take supplements
 : Take Thermage, tighten the skin 300 Shots 

age 30+ collagen is reduced to 60-70%

skin condition : wrinklesemergedewlap cheeks
skin care : Stimulate collagen by Not enough cream
 : Do Thermage to tighten the skin 450 Shots or Ultherapy to lift the skin 350 Line according to skin problems 

age 40+ Collagen begins to break down 50-60%

skin condition : wrinkled skin, sagging face
maintenance : Stimulate collagen by Can't apply creams and supplements
 : Do Thermage to tighten the skin 450 Shots and Ultherapy to lift the skin 200 Line or more according to skin problems 

age 50+ collapse of collagen 40-50%

skin condition : loose skinfull of wrinklesreachwithered neck
maintenance : Stimulate collagen by Cream can't take it for sure.
 : Do Thermage to tighten the skin all over the face to the neck 900 Shots and Ultherapy to lift the skin 200 Line or do Thermage to tighten the skin 450 Shots and Ultherapy to lift the skin all over the face to the neck 550 Line

Any young woman who doesn't want to get old because of the lack of collagen You need to start stimulating collagen for yourself from today. Love your skin, love your young face, healthy skin. I need to focus on collagen.

reference information : ultherapy.com

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