If you are the one who wants to design the body shape of your dreams. You can wear jeans that are smart and beautiful. Wear a bikini to show off your figure with confidence. or just want Get rid of stubborn fat accumulation at various points of the body that are extremely difficult to remove, whether lower bellybias big upper arm or Thigh squeeze doing Coosculpting is solution of slimming with cold Specific points that help get rid of fat, tighten your body to a smaller size.
Many people know Coolsculpting Some have come, but some still don't know. Pongsak Clinic has therefore compiled frequently asked questions about Coosculpting for you.
Clause 1 What is Coolsculpting??
answer : Coolsculpting isInnovation to break down fat with cold from USA Approved by US-FDA standards as kill fat cellsto disappear permanently By transmitting cold at the freezing point at a temperature of -11 to -13 degrees Celsius. causing fat to accumulate under the skin in different parts of the body, including Abdomen, rubber rings around the waist, upper arms, thighs, hips etc., solidify and decompose by themselves. It is then excreted according to the process of excreting waste from the body naturally. The result is 25-30% fat reduction and effective body slimming.
No. 2 Coolsculpting Any help?
answer : Coolsculpting Was invented to tighten the body. break down and kill fat cells in the body Especially the fat at the point where Get rid of difficult or stubborn fat Which whether exercise or diet control can bite, but Coolsulpting can do it and see real results from feedback fromMore than 7 million people worldwide are satisfied with Results after Coolsulpting
Number 3 Who is Coolsculpting suitable for?
answer : People aged 20 years and over who have problems with accumulation of fat in various parts of the body and are concerned about their body shape, whetherBig upper arms, squeezed thighs, big hips, upper belly, lower belly andcheese crustcomes out when wearing pants, orAt the point where the handle can grip the fat on the hand, Coolsulpting can solve your problem. Even mothers who have gone through childbirth do Coolsulpting on the abdomen that does not reduce the fat.
Article 4 Precautions in doing Coolsculpting?
answer : Coolsculpting What you need to be careful about is if there is a wound or a rash on the skin. or a skin disease in the area that needs to be done should be cured first
Those who are not suitable for fat removal as well Coolsculpting is
✘ those who are pregnant or breastfeeding
✘ Persons with cold allergies include cold urticaria, fear of cold, and abnormal blood clotting.
✘ Persons with physical devices such as pacemakers People who have recently had surgery on the area that needs fat reduction, etc.
Clause 5 do Does Coolsculpting Hurt? ?
answer : Coolsulpting uses cold through the skin layer to the fat layer. In the treatment, it causes a slight pain or stinging, during the first 5 minutes of treatment, the patient will feel cool. Being attracted and tight before feeling numb from the cold down to the fat layer under the skin
Article 6 Duration of making How long does Coolsculpting last?
answer : Coolsulpting is counted as a pinch in each area, such as 1 pinch on the left thigh, 1 pinch on the thigh, which takes about 35 minutes. Then there will be a massage to break down the fat more. With the specific technique of Pongsak Clinic, it takes about 5-10 minutes.
Item 7 results after doing Coolsculpting
answer : result of making Coolsculpting The result will be clearly seen whenApproximately 3 weeks - 1 month after the procedure And see the full results after 3 months, you will feel that the proportion has clearly decreased. and fat decreased about 25-30% joints
8 Coolsculpting How many heads are there at Pongsak Clinic and where are each head used to dissolve fat?
answer : Coolsculpting has 5 heads to help dissolve fat with cold. Each area of the body is different:
1 – Cool Petite Advantage Used for small areas such as chin chin, underarms, or areas with little fat.
2 – Cool Advantage For abdomen, inner thighs, back wings, etc.
3 – Cool Advantage Plus A large area of fat accumulation
4 – Cool Mini Areas with less fat, such as the armpits and knees
5 – Cool Smooth Pro Used in the upper abdomen Rubber rings around the waist, outer thighs, etc.
***The use of the head differs from person to person depending on The area to be dissolved and the doctor's evaluation.
This is complete for frequently asked questions about Coosculpting, slimming, fat elimination by cold. If you have any further questions, consult a doctor or be interested. Do Coolsculpting Message me to inquire at the button below. You can evaluate body shape fat for free! Worth 2,000.- at Pongsak Clinic.
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