Snoring is no joke!

Snoring is no joke!
But it is life-threatening and causes family ruptures.

 'Snoreless' Program at Pongsak Clinic Help strengthen the relationship of couples without snoring. 


technology Snoreless solves the problem of snoringstrengthen relationship

 A laser that tightens the uvula inside the mouth Don't let the uvula block the airway.
The laser will treat deep into the 'Mucosa' layer to stimulate collagen production to shrink the area. to open the air channel to pass more easily
 no surgery and no needles are used Including not causing scars
 no recovery live normally
 You can check and measure the result before doing it after doing it too. Application >  SnoreLab : Record your snoring.

you are facing a problemIs this absolutely no way out?… “Each night it takes several hours to fall asleep. Because the husband or wife lying next to snoring very loudly.” If you are facing this problem, don't ignore it. Because snoring is no joke! But it is life threatening and is the cause of family breakdown.

Did you know that 'snoring' It is not just the annoying noise that can shake the bed and relationship between couples, but it can even lead to family divorce because you cannot stand the annoyance of the other person's snoring while sleeping. Not only that, snoring is also a warning sign of sleep apnea, which is life-threatening and has many health effects.

From the statistics it was found that 20 percent of people with snoring have 'Sleep apnea' or 'Sleep Apnea' together, causing a great impact on health, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, acute myocardial infarction due to ischemia cerebrovascular Hemorrhagic stroke, diabetes, paralysis, paralysis, memory decline, etc.

Normally, snoring occurs 6-10 times more often in men than in women. Women tend to have more snoring when they are 30+ years old.

Snoring occurs when the upper airway is narrowed or blocked. while we sleep various muscles in the mouth will sag down to block the airway The breath cannot pass through the trachea and lungs easily. As a result, the body does not receive enough oxygen. Because the air vent is blocked until it becomes smaller, it causes a snoring sound. There is alsoFound out that 80% of snoring is caused by sagging internal organs. which affects the airway blockage

Snoring and its impact on relationships

– Makes the couple or the person sleeping next to them unable to sleep and not getting enough rest exhausted body unstable mood poor mental health poor concentration and memory resulting in health problems including reduced performance
– The distance and tension between the lovers. Because having to sleep in a separate room to get full rest which is not a correct solution to the problem
- impaired sexual performance and may be the cause of divorce in spouses

Recognizing the serious effects of snoring on your physical, mental, and family health, medical professionals have come up with a solution to help.treat snoring

Snoreless technology solves the problem of snoring and strengthens relationships.

– Laser that tightens the uvula palate inside the mouth Don't let the uvula block the airway.
– The laser will treat deep into the 'Mucosa' layer to stimulate collagen production to shrink the area. to open the air channel to pass more easily
– No surgery required and no needles are used Including not causing scars

Who is the Snoreless program suitable for?

- People with snoring problems
– Those who have snoring problems and affect their relationship who want to improve the quality of sleep for you and your loved ones
– Treatment for both women and men who want to solve snoring problems in a short time without relying on surgery and using devices to reduce snoring

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