Q&A IntimaTite by ThermiVA
IntimaTite by ThermiVA
Did you know that snoring is a sign of a health problem that should not be ignored? and life threatening because it is a malfunction of the respiratory system Snoring is not a small problem. to overlook
Snoring can occur at all ages, from children to adults, butcauses of snoringof each person is different But the older you are, the more likely you are to experience snoring due to sagging inner muscles.
Snoring is the result of narrowing or blocking of the upper airway. make it difficult to breathe and a sound of snoring This is because while sleeping, the muscles of the throat, tongue and base of the tongue will loosen or weaken and close the breathing passages. The air moving through the airways narrows. Until there is a vibration or flutter of throat tissue such as tonsils, soft palate, uvula, which vibration (Vibrate) causes the sound of snoring.
Men usually have a higher rate of snoring than women. Especially obese people, the elderly, allergy patients. or rhinitis overworker Exercise too much, drink alcohol, smoke or take sleeping pills.
block the airway found in deep sleepers heavy alcohol drinker person who uses sleeping pills and the elderly which is the most common cause Because as the age increases, it causes the laxity of various organs in the neck.
Found in patients with allergies, sinusitis, nasal polyps, or those with abnormal nasal structures such as a deviated septum.
Found in obese people who are overweight. Thick neck or neck circumference greater than 43 hours, tonsils, atenoid gland enlargement, tongue enlargement, tumors or cysts of the upper respiratory tract.
narrows the airway behind the nose and throat
causing dryness, swelling, narrowing of the airways and a snoring sound
If not properly maintained Snoring is more likely to cause many diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke. cerebral hemorrhage, diabetes, Alzheimer's, etc., as well as life-threatening obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
Treatment for snoring ranges from medication. Use equipment, surgery or treatment with 'Snoreless' laser technology to reduce snoring. that helps tighten the uvula palate inside the mouth Don't let the uvula block the airway. without surgery and no needles are used Including not causing scars Treatment for both women and men who wantsolve snoring problems