1. You are what you eat : Should eat 5 food groups, 3 meals every day for a healthy body and complete nutrition.
2. Rule of 20:80 : Should eat foods that are alkaline rather than acidic, such as meat, soft drinks, liquor, beer that are acidic, eat only 20% and vegetables, fruits, supplements, including water with a high PH value that is alkaline should eat about 80% per day
3. Quality of Sleep : Sleep and rest for 8 hours a day. The recommended time is between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM, which helps the body secrete Growth Hormones more efficiently. And the best way is to sleep in a completely dark place for the body to truly rest.
4. No food after 6 pm : Refrain from eating after 6 pm onwards. to reduce the work of the body to digest food Eating food after 6 p.m. has an effect on the secretion of Growth Hormone during the night when you sleep soundly.
5. Daily Exercise : Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week.
6. Morning Poo – Poo : Have a daily bowel movement to excrete heavy metals from the body on a regular basis. Helps to make the skin brighter, more hydrated. and reduce acne
7. Water is a source of life : Drink 8 glasses of water per day and choose the best water. Mineral water with a high PH value. Mineral water will help add vitamins for the body to use and a higher PH value than normal water will help balance the body to adjust the acidity to be more alkaline. In addition, drinking water will help the skin shine. There is also an aura
8. Daily Meditaion : Meditating daily helps to calm the mind and reduce stress. It causes the body to secrete less enzyme Cortisol.
9.Optimal 5:2 : Change your eating lifestyle Using the criteria for eating 5 days a week and eating hygienic food, the other 2 days a week can be pampered. so that it is not too tight and can be done all the time
10. Positive Thinking : Positive thinking and happiness in every day of life, which helps the body not suffer. and encourage the body to work more efficiently
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