Thermage EYE is New innovation! the only one designed to lift and tighten the skin around the eyes especially why do Thermage EYE Because of these 5 reasons
In the past, Pongsak Clinic has introduced Thermage EYE or Thermageta That's because Thermage EYE is a new innovation! the only one designed to lift and tighten the skin around the eyes especially where there is no comparable innovation So we would like to introduce you to Because if you are having skin problems around the eyes, you will know about this innovative solution.
So why do you have to do Thermage EYE? Pongsak Clinic has summarized it with these 5 reasons.
1 – With increasing age, the skin around the eyes becomes sagging.
2 – Thermage EYE solves eye problems without surgery
4 – After doing Thermage EYE, the eyes really look brighter.
5 – Thermage EYE results make everyday life easier.
increasing age skin around the eyes wrinkle have sagging
What we all have to face as we grow older is the sagging skin problem that comes to us. Not only the face, body, but also the skin around the eyes. which the skin problems around the eyes Have both wrinkled skin droopy eyes sagging eyelid skin have crow's feet have bags under the eyes or wrinkles around the eyes, etc.
by the deterioration of the skin around the eyes caused by the loss of collagen and elastin which makes the skin thinner and lack of flexibility Including the degeneration of the bones under the eyes that have collapsed from increasing age Even if there is a skin cream around the eyes. expensive makeup or how great a makeup technique is It can't cover up or remove the skin problems around the eyes to return to the original.
However, if left untreated and not addressed directly, the skin problems around the eyes will become more and more severe with age and daily life, resulting in an appearance of age.
But there is a good news. When the Thermage EYE was invented, the innovation lifted the skin around the eyes. is like a light That will help the skin around your eyes come back. Lifting smooth and look brighter again
Thermage EYE solves eye problems. without surgery
It is believed that one thing that many people fear or worry about in treating eye problems is surgery because the skin around the eyes is both delicate and sensitive. Surgery is painful There must also be a recovery period. And I'm not sure if the results will be worth the cost of getting hurt or not.
While sagging skin around the eyes has never been addressed by any innovation before, Thermage EYE transcends those limitations. Because it is a tool that can help solve skin problems around the eyes. without surgery anymore And see results after doing more than applying eye cream for years, but still not as good as it should be
The Thermage EYE can be seen after treatment and within 1-3 months, the health of the skin around the eyes will be restored. Both collagen and elastin in the skin layers that have decreased due to aging are stimulated to regenerate. And the results of Thermage EYE can last for years.
Thermage EYE is easy to do, convenient, firm skin, safe.
two reasons passed It should make many people interested in doing Thermage EYE already and there may be questions about how Thermage EYE works. And is it safe?
Let me tell you that the process of doing Thermageta is easy, convenient and takes a little time. There is supervision in every step of making it safe by the company. Thermage There are research studies and proof from real users around the world that the results of tightening the skin around the eyes are truly effective and safe. Pongsak Clinic also emphasizes the safety of service recipients. The team of doctors who provide treatment have experience and expertise, have been tested and certified to perform Thermage EYE safely and effectively.
for everyone to see We summarize the process of doing Thermage EYE as follows.
before doing
▶ Clients who consult a doctor To analyze skin problems around the eyes
▶ Physicians design treatment and estimate the number of shots to be taken according to individual problems.
(The service recipient must not have scars or skin diseases around the eyes. If there is, it must be cured first.)
while doing
▶ staff clean the skin around the eyes
▶ The doctor puts anesthetic, puts on the gel and wears it. Eyeshield Thermage give you
▶ Doctor starts treatment Thermage EYE TIP New model, green head, size 0.25 cm, which while doing it will feel warm in the eyes.
▶ The doctor finished the treatment. The skin around both eyes takes about 45 minutes – 1 hour.
▶ staff clean the skin around the eyes
▶ The doctor puts artificial tears on you. to add moisture
▶ Some people may have red eyes or feel some eye irritation. which will improve in 1-2 hours
▶ For the first 1-2 hours after the procedure, you should rest your eyes, refrain from staring at various screens, and refrain from driving.
▶ The first 1 day after the procedure, do not wear eye makeup and wear contact lenses.
▶ The first 3-4 days after the procedure, use all the artificial tears that the clinic has prepared. to add moisture to the eyes
After doing Thermage EYE, the eyes really look brighter.
Thermage EYE is the next step in the development of skin firming tools. Thermage that helps us all overcome aging and the aging of the skin which not only tightens the skin only The skin around the eyes that undergoes Thermage EYE will give you the following changes after the procedure:
Results after Thermage EYE
✅ Better facial physiognomy
✅ Sharper and brighter eyes
✅ Drooping and sagging eyelid skin lifted
✅ Eyelids that have a lot of fat and eye tissue, tighten up
✅ Eyes look bigger and younger
✅ The skin around the eyes is smoother and firmer.
✅ wrinkles around the eyes and crow's feet are reduced
✅ Wrinkles under the eyes and bags under the eyes are reduced.
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Don't let the wrinkles around your eyes take away the radiance from your life.
interested in doing Thermage EYES tightens the skin around the eyes. Message me for a consultation or get a special promotion.
Thermage EYE makes everyday life easier.
Finally, in addition to Thermage EYE helping with beauty care and maintaining youthfulness, Thermage EYE also makes many people's daily lives easier.
especially those who have a lot of eye problems There is fat on the surface of the eyelids. The tail of the eye droops, the eyelids close a lot. Or sagging eyelids until it closes the eyes, making the eyes heavy in order to see more clearly These behaviors are not just personality traits. It also affects the appearance of wrinkles or wrinkles on the forehead. from wrinkling your forehead to widening your eyes
When done often, deep wrinkles appear on the forehead. Causing us to find a helper to reduce wrinkles like Botox in reducing forehead wrinkles which is a solution to the problem in an endless loop, so if there is a problem with the skin around the eyes and has been solved early, the problem will not spread until it escalates.
Doing Thermage EYE will help solve many eye problems. Help reduce fat around the eyelids. and effectively tighten the sagging eyelid skin If you have any of the aforementioned problems, consult Pongsak Clinic. To tighten the skin around the eyes with Thermage EYE.
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For those who have problems with big upper arms, fat thighs, big stomach, or fat rings around the waist that seem to have too much accumulated fat, a good and interesting alternative is Coolsculpting, which is the use of cold to eliminate fat according to the skin layer. It must be said that this method is considered a safer method than using a fat-dissolving machine with heat because using heat may cause swelling and bruising in the area where it is done. Or, if the person doing it is not experienced enough, it may cause the skin to burn. Therefore, Phongsak Clinic would like to recommend that you come and eliminate fat with Coolsculpting, it would be better. Get to know Coolsculpting, a method of fat removal using cold. Coolsculpting is a machine used to dissolve fat and kill fat cells with permanent cold in various parts of the body. The method or operation of the Coolsculpting machine is as follows: 1. When using the Coolsculpting machine, an expert staff will bring the tool to treat the area where the fat is to be dissolved. 2. When the fat is sucked up with the tool head, the machine will lock the fat and release cold into the fat layer. This machine has a temperature of approximately -11 degrees Celsius in order to freeze excess fat into lumps. 3. After the fat has formed into a lump, the fat will be frozen for 30-40 minutes. 4. After the fat has been frozen for the required period of time, the expert staff will massage to break up the fat to increase the efficiency of eliminating fat from the body to the fullest. For these 4 steps, this will be a brief explanation of coolsculpting […]