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6 reasons why women age faster than men


'Aging' naturally happens to everyone. When we reach a certain age, we all grow old. Aging occurs and is clearly indicated by wrinkles and sagging skin. Did you know that even though aging happens to everyone, women's skin often looks 10 years older than men of the same age because of these factors?

Women and men have different hormones.

testosterone hormone (Testosterone) is a hormone that makes men have oilier skin than women. because there are more in men than men, causing men to age slowly and when women enter menopause or menopause The hormone estrogen (Estrogen) also causes women's skin to wrinkle faster than men of the same age.

Men's skin is oilier than women's.

Most men tend to have oily skin. Although there are disadvantages in the occurrence of acne. But there are advantages too. That is, oily skin slows aging. because it keeps nourishing the skin all the time In addition, the oil helps to make the skin thicker and not easily damaged by pollution.

Women have less collagen fibers.

In men's skin, the proportion of collagen is denser than women's. The skin is stronger. Including not flabby or deformed easily like a woman And as the age increases from the age of 30 years, women's skin will lose more collagen. While the production of new collagen in the skin is also reduced. In which men's skin still produces more collagen than women of the same age So women are older than men.

Women have more cheeks and fat.

Women naturally have softer skin, especially around the cheeks, which are larger than men. As we age, the cheeks and fat layer become loose and less elastic. Men have a sunken face instead of having sagging cheeks like women do when they get older.

It's easier for women to lose calcium.

According to research, women are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men. This is because the hormone estrogen (Estrogen) that is responsible for the calcium reserves in the bones decreases rapidly during menopause. In addition, women lose large amounts of minerals, calcium, and nutrients needed to nourish their foetus. After childbirth or menopause, women will look older than men.

women love to eat sweets

Sweets, milk, butter and sweet water are the favorite snacks of almost all women. different from men Sugar and saturated fat in sweets are one of the causes of wrinkles and aging. Eating behavior is one of the reasons that women are older than men of the same age.

Several differences in both the physical and behavior of females and males. As a result, women look older than men of the same age. But if women keep taking care of themselves, skin beauty Whether it's with skin care products or going to a beauty institute. including rest exercise regularly and eat nutritious food On the other hand, women can look decades younger than men, or even younger than their younger counterparts. Then “age becomes just a number,” as many people say.

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