8 benefits of mineral water

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To help restore the body to be healthy and bright, healthy skin in a simple and natural way.
'mineral water' It is water that comes from nature underground. which contains many vitamins and other benefits The amount of vitamins depends on the location of the water source. (can be read from the label on the bottle)

The same thing between mineral water and plain water is to help add water to the body to use in various processes such as blood circulation Skin nourishment, etc., which are essential to our lives and our bodies contain up to 70 % of water.
The difference between mineral water and plain water Mineral water contains more minerals that your body needs than plain water. Mineral water contains essential minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

8 benefits of mineral water

1. Mineral water helps lose weight. because there are no calories

2. Mineral water helps keep bones healthy. especially postmenopausal women Just drink a bottle of mineral water a day.

isRegularly, calcium in mineral water helps maintain bone density. and slow down the onset of osteoporosis

3. Mineral water lowers blood pressure. This is caused by poor magnesium levels. when drinking mineral water which contains

Magnesium will help reduce blood pressure.

4. Mineral water lowers LDL cholesterol. Make people who drink mineral water regularly reduce the risk of disease.

can heart

5. Mineral water helps digestion at full efficiency. and reduce flatulence, constipation, diarrhea

6. Mineral water helps maintain muscle performance. from magnesium in mineral water that makes muscles

The texture is relaxed and works well.

7. Mineral water helps drive waste out of the body. When drinking enough mineral water, it can result in chronic disease.

Many species subsided. And mineral water can also help reduce pain or rheumatism as well.

8. Mineral water helps nourish skin to look bright and healthy. Strengthens and regenerates cells in the body, delays birth

Wrinkles and can also use mineral water to clean the face as well Or use mineral water spray on the new carpet.

Face during the day to moisturize the skin.

Know that… mineral water is rich in many benefits for the body and skin like this. Don't forget to drink mineral water regularly.

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